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Géoforum est un forum de géologie, minéralogie, paléontologie, volcanologie et, plus généralement, un site dédié aux Sciences de la Terre et au patrimoine géologique. Les discussions s'organisent dans des espaces spécifiques, il existe un forum géologie, un forum minéraux, un forum fossiles, un forum volcans, etc. Une galerie de photos de minéraux ou de roches, de photos de fossiles, ou encore de sites géologiques ou de volcans permet de partager des albums. Il est possible de publier des offres d'emploi de géologue, ou des demandes d'emploi ou stage de géologues. Venez poser vos questions, partager vos connaissances, vivre votre passion !

Quelques-uns des principaux sujets de Géoforum

Vente et achat de minéraux français et cristaux du monde sur Internet.
▲  Vente et achat de minéraux français et cristaux du monde sur Internet  ▲

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing you on behalf of the President of AEGAIN (the Spanish Association of IAEG, International Association for Engineering Geology), with reference to EUROENGEO, the 2nd European Conference of International Association for Engineering Geology.

This conference, organised by AEGAIN and IAEG, will take place from the 15th to the 19th September 2008 at the Escuela de Ingeniería de Obras Públicas (University School of Technical Public Works Engineering) of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Polytechnic University of Madrid). As well as attending the activities of the Conference you also can participate by sending materials (such as posters, abstracts, etc.) or with a stand inside the Conference hall.

The deadline for submitting the abstracts (in English or French) is the 30th June, and the deadline for submitting the final papers and the posters is the 30th July. Finally, you should send the registration form before the 15th July.

If you are interested in participating without abstract, you have to send the registration form before the 5th September.

We would be very pleased if you could send us the database with the emails of your associated members in order to send them all the information.

Please find also attached the document with all the information about the Conference and the registration form.

For further information visit

Yours faithfully,

Euroengeo 2008

Secretaría de EUROENGEO 2008

Escuela de Obras Públicas

C/ Alfonso XII, n 3 y 5

28014 MADRID

Please answer this email to Mara Chianese (, Tel: 0034915360503 / Mob: 0034 655804579 / Fax: 0034 91 536 05 08).

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