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Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais.
Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais les 29 et 30 mars

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Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais.
Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais les 29 et 30 mars

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Kriwet, J. and Schmitz, L. 2005. New insight into the distribution and palaeobiology of the pycnodont fish Gyrodus. Acta
Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (1): 49–56.
Although the fossil record of Late Cretaceous bony fishes
is quite good (e.g., Cavin 2001) the knowledge of Late Creta−
ceous pycnodont fishes is surprisingly limited and restricted to
questionable records of isolated teeth and jaw fragments. Ar−
ticulated skeletal remains are known only from few pycno−
donts, e.g., Anomoeodus muensteri from the Cenomanian–
Turonian of Bohemia (Fritsch 1878). White (1927) described
an imperfect vomer probably from the Terebratulina−zone
(Turonian?) of England as Gyrodus benetti. The morphology
of teeth and the size and arrangement of teeth in the first lateral
tooth rows, which accompany the central tooth row and which
are restricted to the posterior part of the dentition, are unchar−
acteristic for Gyrodus. Another pycnodont remain from the
Cenomanian of France was named Gyrodus carentonensis by
Coquand (1860). This species is characterised by a well−de−
veloped, bulbous and wrinkled margin surrounding an apical
indent that lacks any central apex. The morphology of the
teeth is close to that of teeth of Gyrodus but differs slightly, so
that Sauvage (1879) erected the genus Cosmodus for this spe−
cies and also assigned Pycnodus sculptus Agassiz, 1844 and
Pycnodus imitator Cornuel, 1877 from the Lower Cretaceous
of northern France, and Cosmodus grandis Sauvage, 1879
from the Cenomanian of northern France to this genus. These
species, however, are more likely to belong to a species−group
with teeth similar to species generally assigned to Coelodus
(e.g., Woodward 1895).
Savez-vous plus de documentation sur les espèces du Crétacé supérieur?.

Très interessant. Merci.

Anomoeodus est l'un des genres que je suis passé en revue.

Ce type de denture apparaît dans plusieurs genres Pycnodontidae du Crétacé supérieur.

Ocloedus, Cosmodus, Pycnodus, Coelodus.

Je pense que certains des dents du mâchoire fragment sont très semblables a Coelodus et a Pycnodus.

La pièce isolée pourrait tenir dans de nombreux genres. Anomoeodus, Pycnodus, Coelodus.

C'est compliqué.

Peut-être finir dans le genre? sp.



A, right palatine tooth plate of Edaphodon sp. in occlusal view; B, lower lateral tooth of Cretolamna appendiculata in lingual view; C, fragmentary vomerine dentition of Coelodus sp. in occlusal view; D, left prearticular dentition of Coelodus sp. in occlusal view; E, right prearticular dentition of “Cosmodus carentonensis” (specimen MGM-2504C); F, fragmentary prearticular dentition of Athrodon sp. in occlusal view; G, indeterminate ganoid scale in external view; H–I, tooth of Paralbula cf. casei in occlusal (H) and oblique occlusal (I) views; J, tooth plate of cf. Coriops sp. in occlusal view; K–L, tooth of Ionoscopiformes indet. in mesio-distal (J) and lingual (K) views; M–N, tooth of Amiidae indet. in mesio-distal (M) and lingual (N) views; O–P, tooth of Caturidae indet. in mesio-distal (O) and labial (P) views; Q, tooth (morphotype A) of Enchodus sp. in lateral view; R, tooth (morphotype of Enchodus sp. in lateral view; S, tooth of Ichthyodectiformes indet. in lateral view; T, tooth of Protosphyraena sp. in lateral view; U, fragmentary rostrum of Cylindracanthus sp. in longitudinal view. Scale bars equal 1 mm (H–Q), 5 mm (A–C; F–G; R–U), and 1 cm (D–E).

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