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Géoforum est un forum de géologie, minéralogie, paléontologie, volcanologie et, plus généralement, un site dédié aux Sciences de la Terre et au patrimoine géologique. Les discussions s'organisent dans des espaces spécifiques, il existe un forum géologie, un forum minéraux, un forum fossiles, un forum volcans, etc. Une galerie de photos de minéraux ou de roches, de photos de fossiles, ou encore de sites géologiques ou de volcans permet de partager des albums. Il est possible de publier des offres d'emploi de géologue, ou des demandes d'emploi ou stage de géologues. Venez poser vos questions, partager vos connaissances, vivre votre passion !

Quelques-uns des principaux sujets de Géoforum

Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais.
Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais les 29 et 30 mars

Messages recommandés


Le congrès mondial d'histoire minière (International Mining History Conference) se tiendra du 12 au 15 octobre prochain dans les bâtiments du charbonnage de Beringen (Limbourg, Belgique) - site classé monument historique dans sa totalité.

Le programme sera bientôt affiché sur (ou:

"The National Association of Mining History Organisations (NAHMO) annual conference this year is being jointly organised by the Shropshire Caving and Mining Club and the Shropshire Mines Trust. It will be on the weekend 10th/11th June at the Royal Pavilions in Llangollen. The theme is "Mines in the Landscape"; this is interpreted broadly to cover everything from landscape archaeology through to underground photography and access problems to mine sites. A number of presentations have a local theme; there will be talks on the Barites Industry in SW Shropshire (Mike Shaw), Coal mining around Chirk (Robert Dixon-Gough) and the results of a recent mining survey of the Ironbridge Gorge (Neal Rushton). There will also be talks on the adjacent mining areas of north-east Wales; Minera (Peter Appleton), the Milwr tunnel (Steven Brown) Parys Mountain (David Jenkins) and the prehistoric mines of the Great Orme (Sian Beecroft). Other presentations will deal with medieval coal mines in Leicestershire (Fred Hartley), Slate mines and quarries in North Wales (Graham Isherwood) mining landscapes in the Yorkshire Dales (Martin Roe, Mike Gill) and Spain (Antonio Angel), the use of geophysics in studying mining sites (Rob Vernon) and seminars on access and preservation of mine sites (Colin Richardson, Mike Worsfield), quarries and mining history (Peter Stanier, Paul Sowan) and photography underground in mines (Chris Howes, David Webb). Ivor Brown will be considering the underground landscape of coal mining.

A full programme and booking form is available on the web at or by post from Andrew Wood, Home Farm, Castle Pulverbatch, Shrewsbury, SY5 8DS telphone 01743 718668

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