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Bourse minéraux Sainte Marie aux Mines 2025, avec fossiles et gemmes.
Bourse minéraux et fossiles de Sainte Marie aux Mines (Alsace) - 25>29 juin 2025

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Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais.
Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais les 29 et 30 mars

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Many thanks for the photos...

In my opinion, outside the first one (with a marked ventral band), these specimens are true Burckhardticeras peroni (Roman, 1936) (see also Oloriz, 1978).

The specimen of Simplisphinctes sp. (in #4) is a microconch of Toucasiella gerardi Enay et al., 1998.


P.S.: Can you take some photos of the ventral views of your Simplisphinctes specimens.. please?


Thank you for the classification, I did't know the genre Toucasiella.

Third specimen of Burckhardticeras


First specimen of Simplisphinctes or rather Toucasiella gerardi, 30 mm




Second specimen of Simplisphinctes, 35 mm



Third specimen of Simplisphinctes (S. evolutum), 40 mm


Have you some idea of the first specimen of Burckhardticeras? Maybe Aulacosphinctes?


Be careful! Toucasiella gerardi is the second specimen of your next message (pictures: IMG_4469_zps854e643f.jpg and IMG_4472_zps64103032.jpg)

I have no idea for the moment about the small specimen of "Buckhardticeras" with a ventral band...

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