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Géoforum est un forum de géologie, minéralogie, paléontologie, volcanologie et, plus généralement, un site dédié aux Sciences de la Terre et au patrimoine géologique. Les discussions s'organisent dans des espaces spécifiques, il existe un forum géologie, un forum minéraux, un forum fossiles, un forum volcans, etc. Une galerie de photos de minéraux ou de roches, de photos de fossiles, ou encore de sites géologiques ou de volcans permet de partager des albums. Il est possible de publier des offres d'emploi de géologue, ou des demandes d'emploi ou stage de géologues. Venez poser vos questions, partager vos connaissances, vivre votre passion !

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Bonjour,n'hésitez pas à me contacter à pour en savoir plus sur cette opportunité. Sébastien ROGER - Consultant en recrutement chez CA Mining.

Senior Geologist – Western Europe

The job entails working on geological environments and deposits in various BU’s with local teams to improve geological knowledge and create an input in the mine planning. The aim being to improve exploitation of deposits. Mine design will be conducted on a reliable and complete geological data base as a second phase.

Mission :

To work with BU’s local management to implement computer based geological modeling using Surpac software in order to increase reliability of geology plans and create a computerized base on which to do long term mine planning.

To modernise systems and provide an electronic format of documentation for efficient safe keeping through off site data storage and backup.

Once geological models are established, to work with local BU teams to create life of mine plans including safety requirements for each operation. These plans can then be converted to medium term and short term plans for mining support.

To introduce the company’s “best practice” through exchanges and incorporating standards.

To provide service to BU’s on geological modeling, reserves and resources estimations, Mine planning and rehabilitation of sites.

The aim is to modernise and improve the company’s knowledge of its deposits and introduce tools to better plan and manage the extraction in safe conditions. Waste management and stockpiling forms are integral part of this support function. Insuring the take over of this responsibility and task by the BU’s overtime is also an important part of this job

Report to (position) : Group Chief Geologist


MSc or equivalent geological degree together with hands on experience of exploration, geological modeling mine planning and open cast mining operations.

Need to have 10 years’ experience in relevant domain.

Full knowledge of Surpac software.

Need to be a good listener, to have good communication skills and to be able to train others.

High professional ethics are required to drive and support evolution in the BU’s in the geological and mine planning approach.

Please send your CV to Sébastien at

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