digging for it Posté(e) 13 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 13 février 2011 Hello everybody My name is Patrick hendriks and i live in the Netherlands. I love collecting fossils especially shark teeth. I'm specialised in the genus Squalicorax (see my website www.patricksharkteeth.com ). I'm always trying to get new teeth of this specie. But i'm also interested in other shark teeth from all around the world. I was wondering if there is anyone out ther who would be interested in a trade. I've got several different species from all around the world. For example C. hastalis C. escheri I. desori G. contortus G. aduncus Lee Creek teeth Bone valley teeth If you are looking for something just mail me. Pictures below are just a example of what i've got C. hastalis C. escheri (very fine serrations) some other stuff Thanks for your answers Patrick Citer
fossileur Posté(e) 14 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 14 février 2011 hello patrick. I don't speak English very well, my apologies. What are you looking for teeth? I have one tooth from the middle camapnian of Belgium . It's impossible (or very difficult) for find these teeth for sale ! I also have got a nice Hemipristis tooth from France (Savigné-s-lathan) on her matrix ... Do you collect corolithe of sharks ? I have it from a very rare quarry in France . We also find here Ptychodus and shark teeth ( It's a turonian location) I search these shark teeth : - Squalicorax from kazakhstan - Squalicorax africanus , kaupi , bassani and yangaensis from morocco . - Squalicorax from France - Lee creek teeth I also like the two teeth on the picture ( Parotodus and Alopias) Regards . Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Hello Fossileur Your English is much better than my France. I would be interested in the Hemipristis in matrix. Could you sent me some pictures. Thanks Patrick Citer
fossileur Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Hello. Here is a picture of the tooth. Size : 1 cm . What do you propose to me in exchange ? Thanks for your answer. Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Hello fossileur I like that tooth and would like to trade it. Don't know if you have any other pictures of sharkteeth that you would like to trade? Tell me what you would like for it, and maybe we can work something out. Best regards Patrick Citer
fossileur Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Good evening. For this tooth (Hemipristis) i'm interested in squalicorax from Kazakhstan of in a squalicorax bassani from morocco . I'm also interested in Isurus Escherichia from Mill (see attached picture). If you have other suggestions do no hesitate to let me know I have to look if I have other teeth to trade . Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 15 février 2011 Tell me what you want the most, or a S. bassani (perfect condition) or a C. escheri (perfect condition, but not the on ein the picture for the picture was just as a example for what i've got. this picture is from an early trade so i don't have that tooth anymore, but i will make some pictures to show you what you will be getting. Just let me know if you want the S. bassani or the C. escheri, and i will make some pictures. best regards Patrick Citer
fossileur Posté(e) 16 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 16 février 2011 I prefer a C.Escherichia from Mill Can you send pictures ? Thanks Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Hello Fossileur Here are some pictures fromC. escheri from Mill, the Netherlands. These teeth have all very fine serrations along there cutting edge. Sometimes these serrations are so hard to see that you can only feel them by rubbing your fingernail over the edge. These are two light bleu teeth. These teeth are always nice to see. The only problem with them is that 99.5% has some damage to the rooth. The one on the right has some side cusps to Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 17 février 2011 The other side of the light bleu ones Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Some darker colored teeth If you want some detailed pictures of one of those, just let me kno Best regards Patrick Citer
fossileur Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Hi patrick. Thanks for the pictures. I'm interrested in the first tooth (on left on the first picture), but are you sure that is a C. Escherichia? what's your adress ? (in personnal message ) Thanks in advance Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 17 février 2011 Yes Fossileur 100%. I've collected all of these teeth myself. I know that a lot of these teeth look like C. hastalis. And sometimes it's very hard to see. because these teeth not always have serrations, and you can only recognize them from there carastiristic form or small side cusp. This one has very, very fine serrations. I can't capture them on foto. But when this tooth arrives at your home, you have to tild it slightly in the light, and than you will see the fine serrations. And if your not satisfied, you can always send it back, and i sent you another one. OK? I will put this light bleu one aside for you and sent you a personal message. Thanks Patrick Citer
fossileur Posté(e) 19 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 19 février 2011 Ok . Thanks . I responded to your mp . Regards. Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 23 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 23 février 2011 Hello Fossileur I sent you a mail a few days ago that I already posted your tooth. Maybe something has gone wrong because i responded to your incomming message. So i'm posting this tread to let you know that your tooth is already on its way and should be at your place aroud friday. I don't know what went wrong, because i replied to you two times. Hope that everything is ok now and that you got my messages. Best regards Patrick Citer
digging for it Posté(e) 28 février 2011 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) 28 février 2011 Hello Fossileur Thanks for a pleasant and easy trade. Would like to trade moerin the future. Best regards Patrick Citer
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