fitch Posté(e) 10 février 2011 Signaler Posté(e) 10 février 2011 Dear all, I'm a amateur from Belgium looking for some species of albian ammonites : Pictetia, Protohoplites, Discohoplites, Neophlycticeras, Oxytropidoceras,Pseudohelicoceras, Protissotia and Tegoceras to trade. In exchange I have got Carboniferous fossils (# species from Elouges, Belgium), Shark teeth, whale bones, dolphin teeth, vertebrae... (Antwerp, Belgium and Khouribga, Marocco) or Ammonites (Cap Blanc Nez, France: cenoman and albian amonites) and bivalves from the Bourgogne, Cap Blanc Nez and Antwerp - and if the trade would be really worth it .. I got some (self found) non-prepped devonish/cambrian trilobites from Marocco I'm prepared to make you a awesome trade Perhaps leave a msg or mail with what species you would have for trade... thank you all Dries Citer
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