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Géoforum est un forum de géologie, minéralogie, paléontologie, volcanologie et, plus généralement, un site dédié aux Sciences de la Terre et au patrimoine géologique. Les discussions s'organisent dans des espaces spécifiques, il existe un forum géologie, un forum minéraux, un forum fossiles, un forum volcans, etc. Une galerie de photos de minéraux ou de roches, de photos de fossiles, ou encore de sites géologiques ou de volcans permet de partager des albums. Il est possible de publier des offres d'emploi de géologue, ou des demandes d'emploi ou stage de géologues. Venez poser vos questions, partager vos connaissances, vivre votre passion !

Quelques-uns des principaux sujets de Géoforum

Vente et achat de minéraux français et cristaux du monde sur Internet.
▲  Vente et achat de minéraux français et cristaux du monde sur Internet  ▲

Principaux sujets de Géoforum.

Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais.
Bourse aux minéraux et fossiles de Beauvais les 29 et 30 mars

Messages recommandés


ceux qui aiment les fossiles (sans ironie) doivent en prendre plein les mirettes !

une azurite de malbunka cooper mine. des nothern territory d australie

ah quand même une photo de minéral ! j'ai pourtant l'impression de voir un squelette...

volontaire ou pas...

vous aimez bien le bleu je crois comprendre aussi...


ceux qui aiment les fossiles (sans ironie) doivent en prendre plein les mirettes !

ah quand même une photo de minéral ! j'ai pourtant l'impression de voir un squelette...

volontaire ou pas...

vous aimez bien le bleu je crois comprendre aussi...

salut mineralparangon...

effectivement le bleu est une couleur qui me suit partout...pour un preparateur de reptiles marins cela me semblais etre la couleur la plus appropriee...

pour les mineraux j imagine qu il doit bien avoir des francais mineralogistes en ce moment sur la bourse de tucson qui doivent prendre plein de photos plus facilement que moi...

le show va bientot se terminer pour moi je vais retrouver le maroc qui commence a me manquer serieusement.

bonne journee



The Tucson Gem and Fossil show is here again to bring in 2011. Sunshine, big smiles and greetings from friends who haven't seen eachother for a year. All having traveled far from home. All ready to start the show... And the comotion begins in the hot winter sun of Arizona... From crates and tarps to forklifts and trucks, Tucson opens its arms to The Gem show of 2011 and all of the people it brings. Then box by box and bone by bone it starts.

When the craziness of moving around and setting things up has come to a pause, we are able to see the bright shining eyes of interested people who have arrived for the show. This is one of the best things to see. Excited eyes and smiling faces. :)

Some come looking for something specific; museums, private collectors. Some come to be surprised and find something they didn't expect to see. Most of the big serious buyers come for the very beginning of the show, the rest are mostly brighted eyed students of life. Wanting to learn and experience life from all over the world and different periods of time. A perfect place to be with such an interest.

The show, for me, and probably most of us, is like one long day with a few naps in between. :) Lots of comotion and people and language. Sometimes it's hard to remember to pay attention to life itself rather then just business and work. The best thing that this show has besids gifts from the earth and life, is people. Another gift from life. From here, from there, they come and You can learn something from every one.

Even though The place I hold at such a show is very small, it is one of the most important and fun. I watch, learn, listen, and share the knowledge I have been given. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful teacher who, not only holds much knowledge of sea creatures and prehistoric life but, holds much knowledge of the life and people of today. The Tucson Gem show is an amazing learning experience all around. The experiences shared here will always be a very important part of my life.

Now with the show coming to an end we must pack up and say our farewells untill the next year. So, back to boxes, crates, trucks and forklifts, then a big farewell too our Tucson crew.

Hugs and love with "I'll miss you"s and "Take care"s and a sign on a door with a "See you next year!!!" :)

* <3 @


The Tucson Gem and Fossil show is here again to bring in 2011. Sunshine, big smiles and greetings from friends who haven't seen eachother for a year. All having traveled far from home. All ready to start the show... And the comotion begins in the hot winter sun of Arizona... From crates and tarps to forklifts and trucks, Tucson opens its arms to The Gem show of 2011 and all of the people it brings. Then box by box and bone by bone it starts.

When the craziness of moving around and setting things up has come to a pause, we are able to see the bright shining eyes of interested people who have arrived for the show. This is one of the best things to see. Excited eyes and smiling faces. :)

Some come looking for something specific; museums, private collectors. Some come to be surprised and find something they didn't expect to see. Most of the big serious buyers come for the very beginning of the show, the rest are mostly brighted eyed students of life. Wanting to learn and experience life from all over the world and different periods of time. A perfect place to be with such an interest.

The show, for me, and probably most of us, is like one long day with a few naps in between. :) Lots of comotion and people and language. Sometimes it's hard to remember to pay attention to life itself rather then just business and work. The best thing that this show has besids gifts from the earth and life, is people. Another gift from life. From here, from there, they come and You can learn something from every one.

Even though The place I hold at such a show is very small, it is one of the most important and fun. I watch, learn, listen, and share the knowledge I have been given. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful teacher who, not only holds much knowledge of sea creatures and prehistoric life but, holds much knowledge of the life and people of today. The Tucson Gem show is an amazing learning experience all around. The experiences shared here will always be a very important part of my life.

Now with the show coming to an end we must pack up and say our farewells untill the next year. So, back to boxes, crates, trucks and forklifts, then a big farewell too our Tucson crew.

Hugs and love with "I'll miss you"s and "Take care"s and a sign on a door with a "See you next year!!!" :)

* <3 @

bonsoir toutes et tous...

avant de partir je voulais avoir une version feminine et anglophone de tucson gems show, j ais donc demander a mon amie katleen de nous parler de ce fantastique show a sa maniere . je la remercie du fond du coeur.

demain c est le dernier jour et j espere que cette petite visite virtuelle du plus grand show du monde vous a fait rever un peu.



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